Review: COLD EARTH – Your Misery, My Triumph

Year: 2020
Label: Sol Records
Rating: 8,1 / 10

This band is one of the three main branches of the creative work of a quartet of talented German musicians. In THORYBOS, they study the broad possibilities of War Metal. In STYGIAN TEMPLE, they write orthodox Black Metal a la ONDSKAPT, and with COLD EARTH, they turn to the more introspective approach of JUDAS ISCARIOT.

The influence of JUDAS ISCARIOT on the Germans can be seen immediately, even if you haven't had time to notice the cover song on the bottom of the tracklist. The name of the band and tracks, the overall aesthetics, the sound – everything is obvious here. By the way, I was pleasantly surprised that COLD EARTH recorded the album in an excellent necrotic sound, since this is an extremely rare phenomenon for Germany; they almost always choose the disgusting plastic option that you can often hear at Purity Through Fire releases. But almost all Germans are still well-known for their tidiness, so as a starting point they chose not the obvious “The Cold Earth Slept Below...”, known for its clumsiness, but later works like “To Embrace the Corpses Bleeding". All tracks are very fast, built on blast beats and tremolo riffs (I emphasize – not only on the guitar jerking, but also riffs), they are fluid and painfully melodic. COLD EARTH has very authentically revived the feeling of the cold of a fierce blizzard and the even more burning cold of a dead soul in a still living body. Everyone knows where JUDAS ISCARIOT's legs grow from, so fans of "Transilvanian Hunger" will also love this music. But the album is not limited to feeling alone: as I said, there are riffs here, and sometimes they are very catchy. An example of this is the first track, which literally starts from such a riff, and in subsequent tracks something interesting is quite often found as well.

The distinctive achievement of "Your Misery, My Triumph" is that this album has achieved success where most publish mediocre works at best. It is impossible to count the number of bands creating such music, but surprisingly few people understand that necrotic sound, black-and-white covers and hysterical performance are only an outer shell, and this was not the main thing in the work of the cult old bands. You also need to be able to record good songs, and even more importantly, have a radical position and not be afraid to express it. With regard to COLD EARTH, the latter is unlikely to be the case, but they do the songs very well. Be sure to listen to this album!


Author: F1sher16

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