Review: GRIEVE – Wolves of the Northern Moon

Year: 2022
Label: Werewolf Records
Rating: 7,3 / 10

Just 3 years ago I wrote about the debut EP of the Finnish band GRIEVE - in the time that has passed since that moment, the band managed to fall apart and get together again. Its foundation consists of old familiar faces: this is V-KhaoZ (DRUADAN FOREST, VARGRAV) and mr. Werwolf himself. The new vocalist of the band is Hellwind Inferion, a current singer of SARGEIST.

These people know how to make romantic Black Metal of old in any type and form. And I must say that these guys, each of whom has a dozen or more projects, managed not to repeat themselves. GRIEVE offers a drunken and a little vulgar take on the Finnish sound, which could even be called hooliganish, if not for the rather melancholic mood of the music. The band plays mostly in medium tempo, quoting BURZUM and DARKTHRONE at the same time (see "Eternal Winter, Eternal War"), and then their own projects. The main characteristic of the album is its sincerity and straightforwardness. There is almost no arrangements, the keyboard parts are surprisingly primitive and scarse. The sound is raspy and raw; compared to “Wolves of the Northern Moon”, the new SATANIC WARMASTER looks like a plastic toy. I will note the vocalist separately, since he sings very expressively, sometimes spewing something terrible, ear-cutting, from his throat. Not everyone will like it, but this man has talents.

This is also true for the entire record: "Wolves of the Northern Moon" is written, performed and recorded rather unevenly, sloppy in some places, but talent and sincerity almost redeem everything. In many ways, the album resembles the only work of our W.E.L. that captures you with its true love for dark traditions, although there is not a glimpse of good taste. I recommend "Wolves of the Northern Moon" to those who value simple Northern metal. It doesn't pretend for greatness, but it has blood, violence, frost and howling at the moon.

GRIEVE "Wolves of the Northern Moon" FULL ALBUM STREAM (OFFICIAL)

Author: F1sher16

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