CIEMRA debut “The Tread of Darkness” is out now!

The digital release of the debut of the anonymous Belarusian quintet CIEMRA ”The Tread of Darkness" took place on the Italian Avantgarde Music. Through pretentious press releases and funny messages in VK (ritual, Kvlt and all that), I have already managed to create not the most positive impression about the band, but at least the music here is of quite high quality, and in general, the fact that Belarusians are being released on Avantgarde Music is also very good. Expect the physical release on February 25th.


Author: F1sher16

2 thoughts on “Выйшаў дэбютны альбом CIEMRA “The Tread of Darkness”

    1. Не спрачаюся, але малаверагодна, бо нават у самога гурта пакуль не плануецца, як я зразумеў – цяжкасьці з поштай.

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