Cavalera brothers re-recorded SEPULTURA albums

Max and Igor pompously announced that Nuclear Blast will soon release their re-recorded versions of the first two SEPULTURA releases: “Morbid Visions" and “Bestial Devastation". I decided that it was worth reporting about this, although, most likely, it will be total shit, because A) Cavaleras have not recorded anything good since forever; B) the classic SEPULTURA releases were actually not written by them - in particular, the guitar parts for “Morbid Visions” and “Bestial Devastation” were created by Jairo Guedz, who now plays in the wonderful band THE TROOPS OF DOOM. At least the brothers could invite him to participate.

Author: F1sher16

2 thoughts on “Браты Кавалера перазапісваюць альбомы SEPULTURA

  1. Я вдруг представил, как они эти два альбома переиграют в стиле ранних Soulfly: с мазафакой и трайболовыми плюшками. =)))

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