Review: VIEDŹMINY PAKUTY “Viedźminy Pakuty… albo zvarjaciełae siaredniaviečnaje ciemrašalstva”

Year: 2024
Label: Under the Sign of Garazel Productions
Rating: 8 / 10

Let me remind you that VIEDŹMINY PAKUTY is a new band created by members of PESTILENTIA, APRAMIETNAJA, DOOMSLAUGHTER, GOATHORNED, SACRILEGIOUS PROFANITY, as well as other formations whose names are too well known. Thinking about writing something clever about this release, I caught myself on an interesting thought: in my opinion, today's Krywian Black Metal has developed not only as a broad phenomenon uniting quite diverse groups on a spiritual and ideological basis, but also as an immediate musical style.

The point here is not only that most of the bands of this style including those mentioned and non-mentioned above) consist of a narrow circle of people affiliated with the Niemaracz Clan. The composers are still different, as are the primary goals, but all this is connected through some common sense of dynamics, characteristic sound and, of course, a lyrical component.

The debut of VIEDŹMINY PAKUTY perfectly embodies all the characteristic features of Krywian Black Metal. The music is mostly fast, with blast-beats, with emotional vocals (Eucharist sings quite differently from PESTILENTIA or FUNERAL RITES; I'll say more, I wouldn't even guessed who it is if I didn't know from the very beginning). It has an atmosphere of an all-encompassing fiery and poisonous Apocalypse, but there are also necessary breaks for dark melancholy. There are also mid-tempo segments that are well synchronized with the main musical framework, both traditionally metal and more ambitious, with blasphemous howls and as much as an entire orgAn! The second half of the first track is quite clearly reminiscent of the grandiose ”Spectres over Transylvania" by CULTES DES GHOULES, and this part will undoubtedly become your favorite.

In the lyrics, there is a traditional obscurantism with bloody sacrifices to the devil, self-immolation and pernicious rituals. I note that the texts turned out to be very eloquent and do not resemble a tedious accounting report, as it happens quite often. The sound is bright, solid and weighty; it falls on the ears, as an experienced builder puts a cement mortar on several bricks at once with one stroke of a trowel. This, dear readers, is the level of the Krywian Black Metal underground today, and it is pleasantly impressive, especially taking into account all the terrible circumstances in our country.

The CD was released in Poland on UTSOG in an edition of 300 copies. I don't have it in my hands yet, but I have a digital booklet, and everything is fine there: the lyrics, an impressive photoshoot at a Catholic cemetery and a couple of art from S.H. The band's debut album is gradually being prepared, so don't forget to follow the news. In the meantime, you can pick up the release for free in digital form on Bandcamp.


Author: F1sher16

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