Full archives of NIEZGAL і ŁATANU

Recently, P.Z. (ex-NIEZGAL, ŁATANU) has been engaged in titanic work, which has resulted in a complete archive of all the material related to both his bands at the moment. By the links below you will find albums, demos, live recordings in audio and video formats, lyrics (which were almost never published in NIEZGAL), unreleased tracks, etc. All digital albums on Bandcamp have visual and text material as a bonus.





Before you ask: this does not mean that ŁATANU also no longer exists. The band's new material has been ready and waiting for a long time, but it's too early to talk about it yet – there's a pretty epic release planned.

For a full package, I also recommend reading my interview with P.Z. and Nihilation, and for a totally complete one, look for the first issue of Black Curse Zine, where you will find another interview.

Author: F1sher16

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