Рецензия: ŹMIARĆVIEŁY – Čornaje Połymia

Year of release: 2021
Label: Caligari Records
Rating: 6,7 / 10

I renounced from reviewing Caligari Records releases, having found out that this bureau finances BLM degenerates and antifa, but the American struck back by signing another anonymous project from Krywia: ŹMIARĆVIEŁY. At the end of May, this demo will be released on cassettes, and a full-length album is promise this fall. Of course, I simply have no right to pass by, so I draw your attention to this project, desperately hoping that the funds spent on acquiring its releases will not be used for purchasing crack for some negros.

As I said, ŹMIARĆVIEŁY is an anonymous project (* sigh *). The character in the promo photo looks like Somber, the editor of Black Curse, but he declares that he has nothing to do with this stuff. I believe. The vocals sound familiar, but this manner of raspy singing is quite popular and easy. I have no other leads. The demo contains four unnamed tracks for 18 minutes ... or rather, not entirely unnamed, because in the promo archive they are all titled "govno" ("shit"), and I'm very interested if some meticulous foreign music fan will think of adding this information in the release notes on Discogs or Metal Archives. "Track titles "Govno I, Govno II etc. are taken from promo version". All in all, the demo starts with a good and very old-fashioned synth intro, and then offers three songs that shuffle the three basic techniques of all black metal: melancholic mid-tempo, bathoryesque / hellhammer-ish squares and blast beats with tremolos. The press release is surprisingly fair: in the first case, ŹMIARĆVIEŁY's music is really close to FRONT BEAST, and in the second and third is even closer to DARKTHRONE of "Under a Funeral Moon" era. Parallels with MOONBLOOD, probably, can also be drawn, but every second Black Metal band sounds similar to MOONBLOOD.

In view of all this, the demo is an example of absolutely right old metal, deeply blackened by the theme of death. I can't say that it makes an overwhelming impression, but it's very good for a demo. The sound is well muffled and echoing, the performance is quite smooth. An otherworldly atmosphere is in place. In general, well tailored and tightly stitched record. The potential is obvious, there is little to do - to release it on the album. We'll see.

Author: F1sher16

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