43rd part of short reviews.

HEXENBRETT – Erste Beschwörung
Year of release: 2019
Label: Caligari Records
Rating: 6,2 / 10

Occult and very dark Heavy Metal from Germany. The melody is angry and sharp, the atmosphere is really “witchy”. However, it is felt that this is only the beginning of something more interesting - the potential is not nearly realized. The EP is released on cassettesthe digital version can be downloaded from Bandcamp for free.


Year of release: 2018
Label: Invictus Productions
Rating: 8 / 10

True Death Metal. Carefully sustained musical and visual aesthetics of the demo era of the genre. Partly reminiscent of NIHILIST, partly SADISTIC INTENT. The dirty aura of death metal from the mid-80s is reproduced flawlessly - I seriously advise you to listen to this.


OLKOTH – The Immortal Depths & Treasures of Necromancy
Year of release: 2019
Label: Signal Rex
Rating: 6,8 / 10

A collection of two demo records of the American band, released in 2016 and 2017. Mystically sounding, mysterious, slightly bruised Black Metal, where a primitive synthesizer is actively used. In slow segments, it is very similar to KROHM. All in all, quite good, but the atmosphere of this music is stronger than anything else.


CREMATORY STENCH – Grotesque Deformities
Year of release: 2018
Label: Blood Harvest
Rating: 7 / 10

Another small release keeping the spirit of old Death Metal alive. The music of this Californian trio is very close to early ASPHYX (slow and medium tempo, viscous riffs and tremolo, the atmosphere of sewers filled with rotten meat), the vocals are almost identical to that of Jeff Becerra of POSSESSED. Very good.


DOOMBRINGER – Walpurgis Fires
Year of release: 2019
Label: Nuclear War Now! Productions
Rating: 6 / 10

This album became for me an acquaintance with the notorious Polish group, where the members of the magnificent CULTES DES GHOULES and BESTIAL RAIDS play. I will not call the experience a complete disappointment, but I expected something more impressive. If in the first track the hash of Thrash Metal, Doom Metal and various styles of Black Metal works fine, then afterwards it becomes rather slurred. Slowing down where you need to accelerate, accelerations where you need to slow down... A few listening sessions did not allow me to understand what it is and what it is eaten with. However, I am convinced that at the live shows, “Walpurgis Rites” will be perceived completely differently.


Author: F1sher16

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