77th part of short reviews.

Year of release: 2021
Label: Transcending Obscurity Records
Rating: 6,7 / 10

Another release from a philanthropic Greek, thrown to the two-legged cattle, that is, to us. I know DØDSFERD only fragmentarily, and my impression has always been about the same as from this EP - the music isn't brilliant but there are successful riffs. In addition, Wrath's negative energy flow seems to be inexhaustible - after 20 years, he is still just as evil. I think the band's fans will be pleased. The CD edition includes a mini-album "Diseased Remnants of a Dying World" as bonus.


WOODEN THRONE – Under the Moon They Wander Until Fading Away
Year of release: 2021
Label: Purity Through Fire
Rating: 7 / 10

A new atmospheric project of OCTOBER FALLS member. A beautiful and truly grandiose musical spectacle about the endless northern forests under the dome of twinkling stars, and so on. I remember that I scolded one of the recent OCTOBER FALLS records for being blatantly secondary, and in this regard, WOODEN THRONE is no different. There is the same standard set of creative and sound solutions. But it turned out more convincing, although a bit too soft and melodic for my taste.

SCHIZOGOAT – War, Pestilence and Sacrifice
Year of release: 2021
Label: Helldprod Records
Rating: 6 / 10

Helldprod regularly delivers black carbon thrash speed metal, this time Brazilian. SCHIZOGOAT sounds superbly disgusting, very weighty, and it will definitely please everyone who wanted to hear another batch of old songs about the main things - Satan, drinking and fucking. All in all, this shit is rather crooked and cheap, but I don't anyone expects a fine art from the band named SCHIZOGOAT. As one legendary Russian band sang, I shit and cum in the name of the Goat! Even if the vicious pounding of the Brazilians does not hook you, they will still go down in history as the authors of one of the most senseless video clips in the history of mankind (seriously, I even admired it; but don't even think about watching this from beginning to end).

Schizogoat - Necrowar (Official Videoclipe 2021)


DEMONIC TEMPLE – Through the Stars into the Abyss
Year of release: 2021
Label: Putrid Cult
Rating: 6 / 10

Polish Black Metal with an otherworldly sound in the spirit of ANCIENT MOON, LEVIATHAN and early CULTES DES GHOULES. Bands of this style stand out for their particularly fluid sound, but DEMONIC TEMPLE beat the instruments too powerfully, cutting the musical stream into thousands of small pieces. This approach has the right to live, but I did not like it. A black hole should suck you in, not grind you to pieces.


WARMOON LORD – Battlespells
Year of release: 2021
Label: Werewolf Records
Rating: 7,1 / 10

So I finally listened to this cool Finn who made a stir in the Web a couple of years ago with his beautiful photo with a candlestick. Basically, I got everything from the album that you expect from Werewolf Records releases. It's old black metal with a fantasy twist, filled with dark romanticism. There is the right sound, and a deep understanding of traditions, and even Rob Darken as a guest on the fourth track. But after listening, I somehow didn't felt the desire to buy the CD immediately. Unfortunately, "Battlespells" is too often reminiscent of DIMMU BORGIR's worst period. That is, this guy frantically beats everything that comes to hand, and then performs a final strike on the listener with the help of immensely pompous keyboards. As a result, the album gets satiated very quickly. Imagine that you watched seven episodes of Game of Thrones in a row, and in each of them there was a large-scale battle involving dragons. Too much good is also bad. Perhaps the Finn should have saved a couple of songs for later, or at least added a few interludes for a break and the necessary contrast.


Author: F1sher16

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