Year of release: 2018
Label: Hells Headbangers Records
Rating: 8,7 / 10
This Brazilian formation is a trio with such a huge track record that I don't even want to list all the bands where they play(ed). I will say only that all three also play in the Thrash metal band ATOMIC ROAR. Oldschool merchandise and image, broad shoulders and solid stomachs - this guys have everything that you need for success. "Praise of Satan" gives itself out right after the introduction, offering the listener one of the best examples of BATHORY worship in the whole history. I will make a reservation that only the era of 1984-1987 is affected, that is the most malicious and primitive things. Everything is similar - the manner of playing and singing, the sound. Nevertheless, this is not thoughtless cloning, although some compositions can easily pass for Quorton's own works. It is a tribute of respect and continuation of the ideas laid down on "Bathory", "The Return ......", "Under the Sign of the Black Mark". Five speedy tracks pass in the blink of an eye... and then the DIABOLIC FORCE trousers turn into elegant shorts with HELLHAMMER logo! And if the thing "Whorehouse Queen" because of the high speed is more similar to German WARHAMMER, than to the Swiss Cult, the other tracks turn directly to the works of young Tom Fischer. It does not turn out as authentic as in the case of BATHORY, but you will agree that it would be too bold to rearrange the sound for a 4-track cheap cassette recorder on the middle of the album. Vocal is also differs between Chuck Schuldiner on "Scream Bloody Gore" and Jeff Beckerra from POSSESSED. Everything else is simply excellent. I can only bow before these musicisans. We need such an old school!