Review: CARNIFEX – Pathological Rites

Year of release: 2018
Label: Xtreem Music
Rating: 7 / 10

CARNIFEX, which will be discussed below, ares not a deathcore shit from the States, and not even an Estonian progressive band, but very old Finns who finished playing when many did not start yet - in 1993. Xtreem Music somehow managed to find them and make an agreement on re-releaing of all the records in one collection, even those that no one had ever heard before.

"Pathological Rites" contains a demo (1991), tracks from a split with Festerday (1991), another demo (1993) and a rehearsal, dating back to the same 1993. The music from the first demo is a classic American Death Metal, much like DEICIDE's debut. True, the playing skills of the Finns were lower, so the songs turned out to be rather uneven, often slow, with difficulty moving from one segment to another. Not to mention the "demo" sound quality. But this, of course, has its own charm. he voice of the vocalist is excellent - the hoarse, deadly roar of a stunned zombie. he material from the split is practically the same. Tiny improvements in sound, a slightly more diverse manner of singing - perhaps that's all. The second demo is more dynamic and felt, there was even some melody with primitive guitar solos played by left hand, but the sound is bad here. It reminds me a bad parody of the old Swedish death metal, and the guitars play like inside themselves or something. It's a shame because the music here is interesting, technical. There is nothing to say about the rehearsal track - noise and roar. In the end, we have a fairly good piece of classic death metal which lacks only its own style. Fans of albums recorded at Morissound Studios, give it a listen.


Author: F1sher16

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