Review: WINDSWEPT – Visionaire

Year of release: 2018
Label: Ván Records
Rating: 8,5 / 10

In recent years, I often hear speeches that DRUDKH, as they say, are not interesting anymore, they are not cool anymore and so on. They really are not the same as before - the compositional vector of Roman Saenko and his comrades has totally shifted to the side of quite complex music saturated with historical themes. But they still remember how to create an abstract, transcendental music, standing above all worldly, despite the assurances of the "fans" in the opposite. It seems that such music is now transferred to WINDSWEPT project. If the first album, composed and recorded at the rehearsal point in the shortest possible time, had a somewhat uncertain direction, the minion "Visionaire" is a much more thoughtful work, sending us to the times of the masterpiece "Forgotten Legends". The music here is a little more complicated, but the feelings are the same, as well as the general approach to performance. Two monotonous long songs envelop you, soothe you, and you fall in love with their beauty. The best of their segments are definitely those slow and rhythmic parts a-la "Filosofem". They revive this deep feeling of touching something ancient and majestic, presented in all aspects of nature. A good thick sound, unlike the sharp and cold modern sound of DRUDKH, is really helpful in that case. I have nothing more to say - I must order this CD.


Author: F1sher16

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